In the past drainage companies used drainage rods to push a blockage through the pipe. Although these rods are still used from time to time, they have been superseded by drain jetting equipment. In the drain jetting process, water at a pressure of 3,000PSI is directed into the drain. The force of the water is enough to break up any clogs within the pipe into small components, which can then be flushed through the drainage system.
Some tough blockages may need to be rodded to forcibly move the blockage through the sewer network. However, because the water jet produced by drain jetting is at such a high pressure, rodding is becoming more uncommon. In newer types of drain jetting, the jet tube is pushed into the sewer until it reaches the blockage site. This means that when the water supply is turned on, the water jet is only centimetres away from the clog so maximum pressure and hence maximum dispersion can be achieved. Many drain blockages in Leicester can be cleared quite effectively using the water jetting process. The average property owner probably knows that sewer lines help transport waste water from the property to underground sewer mains. Beyond that, most property owners give little thought to their sewer lines until they have some type of clog. A sewer line clog could lead to a raw sewage backup coming out of the drains, which could lead to significant damage to the property and an expensive sewer line repair or replacement. Property owners who understand and respond to their property’s early warning system can stave off severe sewer and plumbing issues. It may take a while for a blockage to build up and become completely apparent, but once a problem has started to take its toll it will be obvious very quickly. Keep an eye – and ear, and nose – out for these symptoms, and don’t hesitate to take action.
One of the most obvious signs that a drain is blocked is if your toilet, shower, bath or sinks are draining slowly. If a blockage is particularly bad, water may not drain away at all. If just one of these things is having issues, then the blockage is likely in the fixture itself. However, if all of them are backed up, then the blockage is most likely to be in the sewer drain. The toilet is often the main driver for a blockage – if flushing the toilet causes water to rise in the shower, or running taps causes the water in the toilet to rise, then you’ve got a blocked drain on your hands. Essentially, if any water-based appliances are causing water to appear elsewhere when used, there’s a problem. Don’t forget to check external drains and manhole covers (from the outside – you should never go inside manholes) on your property – if there’s a blockage, water will start to rise here too.
The most unpleasant symptom of all – foul smells are a dead giveaway for a blocked drain. If something has blocked the drain and begun to rot, you will certainly know about it. The bad smell may well begin to occur before any visual symptoms emerge, so if you start to catch whiffs of something being a little bit off then don’t ignore it.
Finally, if your pipes and fixtures sound different to usual, it could be an indication of a blockage. Gurgling noises from drains, plug holes, toilet flushes and pipes are early warning signs – the sound is created when air trapped in the pipes by the blockage is displaced and pushed up through the system. Any one of these symptoms on their own is cause for concern, but if you’re noticing two – or even all three – then you may well have a plumbing emergency on your hands.
If you think there is a sewer blockage or if your property has been flooded, Please call us on 07954028819 and one of our team at Jet Kings Drain Cleaning Leicester will be here to help. Local drain cleaning near me emergency call out.
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